I spent the early part of the morning cleaning
- the kitchen,
- the bathroom,
- and various other areas of the house.
Then I went and ran errands, got groceries, etc.
My super-duper buy:
A $5 food processor.
Today's goal:
Homemade larabars!
I got all the supplies...
- figs
- dates
- almonds
- walnuts
- cinnamon
- cocoa
I had started to blend up some ingredients...
When I thought,
"I better open this tin of cocoa!"
It was a bit puffed on the top
and I figured I might get a little
bit of cocoa on me when I
opened it, so I was extra cautious...
The Great Cocoa Explosion of 2010
occurred right then and there in my kitchen!
I think I will smell like chocolate
for the next week and a half .
Anna and Trever stopped by the apartment
and I told them of the incident.
Trever said, "At least it's an aphrodisiac?"
haha. I am afraid to go outside now!
Everyone in the neighborhood is out
walking their dogs in the nice weather : b
Well, mission accomplished.
Homemade Larabars= check!
Kitchen= cleaned...and re-cleaned.
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